26th September
A tour of Radio City Music Hall, built in 1932, was the first stop of the day. Rockefeller was the force behind the construction and the music hall is the 1st of the 19 (?) buildings which make up the Rockefeller complex. According to our guide, we were lucky to be taken, not only on the stage, but back stage during the tour. This only happens a few times per year...believe it or not! The supposed highlight of he tour was meeting a current member of the famous Rockettes and having the opportunity to have our photo taken with her.

The theatre was originally built to show movies in.

The acoustics are so good that we could hear a cleaner, who spoke in a normal voice whilst in front of the stage, from the very top tier of the theatre.

When standing on the stage, we weren't allowed to move outside of the circle marked in the floor! It was actually a turntable and the stage floor is so strong that they have had elephants and a full size bus on it without a problem.

Some of the Rockette's costumes.

Another must do on the list was to visit Times Square.

This amazing place can't really be photographed effectively. There is a seating grand stand set up so that the public can sit, in the middle of a road junction, and watch the electronic advertising that surrounds you. It's an amazing place, spoilt slightly at the moment by construction work.

View from the stands.

We stupidly thought that the characters hanging around the Disney store were for advertising purposes. Suckers! This photo cost $5 and they pressed us for more. We even saw some girls dressed only in body paint and briefs who were also trying to get money through photos. They were everywhere.

Hard Rock Cafe

After looking up the sunset times, we headed off on the subway downtown to Brooklyn Bridge. It was packed with walkers and cyclists, who had their own lane. The cyclists cared not at all that the pedestrians were plentiful and had a narrower part of the bridge than the small number of cyclists and arrogantly rang their bells and flew along at break neck speeds. It reminded me of Amsterdam.

The bridge took just over 12 years to make, back in the 19th century. It is the oldest bridge in NYC.

Me! If you zoomed in closely, you'd see the Statue of Liberty on the horizon, left of centre.

Downtown Manhatten.

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